3 Day Workplace Mediation Skills Certificate, 19-21 November 2024

19 - 21 Nov 2024
  • Course
  • London CIArb
  • 09:00 - 18:00
3 Days (24 Hours) £1200.00 + VAT

Course code: WPC3d11/24

Course Availability

Date Location Spaces Discount Price
19 - 21 Nov 2024 London CIArb £1200.00



This 3 day training course is for HR professionals, people managers, staff representatives, and business owners. The course will provide staff with the confidence and skills to mediate a wide range of workplace and employment disputes. The course covers core mediation skills and techniques which are consolidated through practical role plays.

When conflict is left unmanaged or poorly managed, the cost can escalate quickly. Mediation (whether formal, informal or "first aid") is recognised as the most effective method of addressing conflict in the workplace, thereby reducing costs, stress and tribunal claims.

The average employee spends 2 hours a week on workplace conflict.  This means that for an organisation with 100 staff on an average salaray of £25,000 per annum, the cost to the business each year is £150,000!  Imagine tapping into that figure to improve the business bottom line, whilst improving staff communication and morale.

This course can be delivered in-house were there are a minimum of 10 delegates.

There is an optional 3 day conversion to become a fully accredited civil/commercial mediator.

Why train?

There is hidden conflict in every organisation. When conflict is left unmanaged, or poorly managed, the conflict can escalate resulting in increased costs, lost operational time and lowered morale. Mediation is recognised as the most effective method of addressing and resolving conflict in the workplace, reducing costs, stress and tribunal claims.

The programme

Day 1

Delegates will engage in a range of practical skills, including active listening exercises and the first mediation. We introduce mediation theory and basic mediation skills and demonstrate a workplace mediation.

Day 2

Building on the basic mediation skills through theory and practice, we cover threats to the mediation process and strategies and techniques to deal with them.

Day 3

The impact of emotion and emotional engagement is explored through theory and practice. All delegates will have had the opprotunuty to practice their skills through role play, supported by an experienced workplace mediator through one to one coaching. Delegates will see their skills polished as they gain the confidence to engage in difficult conversations, highly charged conflict situations and workplace disputes.

Who is the course for?

The course is aimed at HR business partners, employee relations representatives, directors, people managers, in-house lawyers, key staff, complaints handlers and customer service representatives.

What type of disputes are covered?

The role plays include allegations of unfair treatment, unfair dismissal, bullying and harassment, discrimination, equality and diversity, health and safety, conduct and performance issues, unwanted attention and situations that have led to a breakdown of trust.

* This may be delivered online, depending on delegate numbers.  Please check before booking any travel/accomodation

Book your place now

Date Location Price Spaces Discount
19 - 21 Nov 2024 London CIArb £1200.00 Book Now